Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Family Dinner

"Family dinner" has become a bit of an early week tradition 'round these parts.  We all have nights off from our respective restaurants - and what better way to celebrate, than to enjoy the fruits of your labour with good company, good food, and a healthy dose of home-brew.
Pan-roast rainbow trout, with fingerling potato, sea-asparagus, beurre blanc, and various radishes.

Interested in joining us?


  1. I'm really enjoying your blog! Not sure if you remember me from the short time I was at JK? Anyway that looks delicious!

  2. Hey Heather...

    I actually *don't* remember. Where did you work?

  3. Jacob, hopefully you remember me - i sit across and to your left at your 2nd night seder table...anyway, your folks told Chris and i about the family dinner idea and we thought we'd love to try it with your folks one time. Let us know.

    love the blog, by the way...

  4. Thanks Andrea! We'll see how the first one goes. Assuming it is not a complete gongshow, we will be in touch. Plus - I owe you some smoked meat!

  5. Are you officially doing the dinner for 8's? I'd love to round up some friends and try it out.
    Also, I have been interested in doing sausages and cheese and wondered if you guys teach this stuff, maybe even a DYI series?
    I would happily host it in my kitchen and round up 6-8 neighbours. We live just north of you.
    ps. you guys should have your own reality show on the Food Network.
